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Customer Testimonials

amazing cake
thank you the most amazing cakes i have now found the best gluten free cakes in sydney my family are all gluten free so you have taken all the worry out of my family celebrations
Average Rating:

mandy sydney 01:47:48 10-03-2014
Best Gluten free cakes EVER
Recently had cakes for birthday celebrations and didn't mention that they were gluten free, everyone raved about the flavour and the look of the cakes. Defini tely will be ordering again
Average Rating:

Heidi Sydney 09:40:24 10-01-2014

I have ordered a few cakes from her, and they have all been amazing! So delicious :)

Average Rating:

Dana Sydney 07:39:54 09-15-2014

The cakes are truly delicious.

Average Rating:

Jesse Moses Sydney 13:27:25 07-24-2014